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Брой мнения : 182
Age : 33
Registration date : 13.11.2007

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ПисанеЗаглавие: Групи   Групи Icon_minitimeСъб Дек 22, 2007 9:47 pm

Направете представяне на любимата ви група със снимки и линкове към тeхни произведения.
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Брой мнения : 182
Age : 33
Registration date : 13.11.2007

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ПисанеЗаглавие: Уикеда   Групи Icon_minitimeПон Дек 24, 2007 7:52 pm

Една всеобщо любима група Уикеда


Прeди мнoгo, мнoгo гoдини в кaлнoтo сeлцe Бужурищe, къдeтo автобусa идвa, oт врeмe нa врeмe, сe рoдил eдин Eрoл. Той рeшил рeшил дa стaвa музикaнт. Прeз 87-88 г., зaeднo с приятeли сфoрмирaт групa нaрeчeнa "Пoлeт", кoятo пo-къснo сe прeимeнувa нa "Spleen". Стилa нa групaтa бeшe "трaш". Прeз 94 г. пристигнa "музикaнтът" - Мишo. Той, тoгaвa oщe нe бeшe музикaнт, a вoйник... Зaпoчнa дa идвa, oт врeмe нa врeмe, нa рeпeтиции.. 1-2 пъти в мeсeцa! Имaшe мнoгo рaздeли и събирaния, кaрaници и твoрчeски кaвги, дoкaтo eдин дeн тoй нe сe рaзсърди oкoнчaтeлнo.. и си тръгнa. Тoвa бeшe лEтoтo нa 97 г. Сeдeм мeсeцa Eрoл и Рoсeн усилeнo търсeхa СЕРИОЗЕН бaрaбaнист, кoйтo, aкo нe другo, тo пoнe дa идвa нa рeпeтиции. Мeждуврeмeннo Мишo стaнa вoдeщ в MM. /Скoрo слeд тoвa гo изхвърлихa зa нeприличнo държaниe прeд кaмeрa и зaдявaнe с фeнки пo врeмe нa прeдaвaнe./ Eдин дeн срeщaтa стaнa случaйнo.. Тoй /Eрoл/ рaбoтeшe в извeстeн стoличeн клуб, a Мишo - кaтo нeгoв клиeнт.Стиснaхa си ръцeтe, прeгърнaхa сe и рeшихa пaк дa дeйствaмe зaeднo. И сe пoчнa.. рeпeтиции.. рeпeтиции.. рeпeтиции, дoкaтo нe дoйдe врeмe зa учaстиe в кoнкурсът "Звукът нa PASSPORT". Зa нeгo бяхa зaписaни 3 пeсни - "Ивaн", "Втoрo" и "Спoмeни". "Втoрo" сe кaзвa тaкa, зaщoтo Мишo тaкa гo кръсти. Нe мoгъл дa измисли имe и пoнeжe билa зaписaнa втoрa пo рeд, я кръстил "втoрo". Тeзи пeсни бяхa зaписaни нaпoлoвинa в студиo /бaсс и бaрaбaни/ и дoзaписaни в Рaдиo Eкспрес . В прoдължeниe нa някoлкo мeсeцa, бяхa зaписaни oстaнaлитe 4 пaрчeтa oт "Рeвoлюция". Първoнaчaлнaтa им идeя бeшe дa сa ДЕМО, но въпрeки ДЕМО-тo нa зaписa, З&К снимaхa клип нa "Спoмeни". Пoдгoтoвкaтa зa зaснeмaнeтo бeшe усилeнo рaбoтничeскa. Слeд eднoсeдмичнo рaзчиствaнe нa тaвaнa, нa къщaтa нa Eрoл, кoитo бeшe пълeн /буквaлнo/ с кaкви ли нe бoклуци Уикеда нaпрaвихa лeкo нeбрeжнo пaрти. TO BE CONTINUED...


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С Боби двамата пием кафе
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Брой мнения : 135
Age : 115
Registration date : 23.11.2007

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ПисанеЗаглавие: Re: Групи   Групи Icon_minitimeПон Дек 24, 2007 9:32 pm

моята любима група за момента е YEAH YEAH YEAHS
представяне не мога да направя но ще кажа свирят пънк-рок
любимата ми песен : ЦЪК

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Брой мнения : 71
Age : 31
Location : материалното всред холограмен свят
Registration date : 08.01.2008

Групи Empty
ПисанеЗаглавие: Re: Групи   Групи Icon_minitimeСъб Яну 12, 2008 12:06 am

Нирвана е американска рок група, сформирана от нейния вокалист и китарист Кърт Кобейн и басиста Крис Новоселич в Абърдийн, Вашингтон. През бандата преминават серия барабанисти, като най-дълго задържалият се е Дейв Грол, присъединил се към Нирвана през 1990.Със своя водещ сингъл "Smells Like Teen Spirit" от албума Nevermind (1991), Нирвана навлизат в музикална вълна, считана за субстил в алтернативния рок, наречен гръндж.
През март 1994 г. Нирвана снимат свои акустични изпълнения за предаването на MTV — „Unplugged“. По това време Кърт Кобейн изпада в дълбока депресия, като започва да взема наркотици. На 5 април 1994 г. тялото му е намерено 3 дни след смъртта от електротехник, дошъл да инсталира охранителна система в къщата. Смъртта му остава мистерия и до днес, според официалната информация Кърт Кобейн се е самоубил. Но има много факти които уличават съпругата му като виновница. Голяма част от феновете на групата отказват да повярват, че Кобейн се е самоубил.

Класика, какво да добавя друго освен че са написали песничка с мойто име drunken и че кърт цепи мрака на тая снимчица
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Брой мнения : 53
Age : 34
Registration date : 23.11.2007

Групи Empty
ПисанеЗаглавие: Re: Групи   Групи Icon_minitimeСъб Яну 12, 2008 10:05 am

The Doors
Групи Group2Групи Agroup
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The Doors се сформират като група през 1965г в Лос Анжелис, Калифорния.
Джим Морисън и Рей Манзарек се запознават в университета UCLA, където учили
заедно. Лятото на 1965г, Манзарек бил на плажа във Venice, а Джим Морисън
се приближил към него. Джим седнал на пясъка и двамата започнали да говорят
за това какво са правили през лятото. Джим казал че е написал няколко песни
Рей му казал да му изпее някоя от тях. Джим изпял няколко стиха от Moonlight drive
Рей бил впечатлен от текста и предложил двамата да направят рок група.
Джим казал че именно това е била неговата мисъл през цялото време.
Най, най-първата формация на групата се състояла от Джим Морисън и Рей Манзарек
, заедно с двамата братя на Рей , Рик и Джим. Нямали басист, нито постоянен барабанист, просто наемали
когото могат, когато имали концерт. Тогава Рей срещнал Джон Денсмор в един център
за медитация в Лос Анжелис. Рей и Джон били учници на гуруто Махараши Махеш Йоги който отворил центъра
през 1965г. Рей поканил Джон да се присъедини към групата като постоянен барабанист. В края на 1965, Рик и Джим Манзарек
напуснали групата, защото изглеждало че се движат много бързо към нищото, провала.
те дали демо записи на Columbia Records и оттам проявили малък интерес но след подписване на договора,
от компанията не направили нищо повече за да развият групата. След всичко това и отгоре на това.
те трябвало да заменят Рик Манзарек който бил китарист в групата.Рей си спомнил за още един човек в Центъра за медитация, който бил китарист. Той бил приятел на Джон Денсмор и се казвал Роби Крийгер
Когато Роби отишъл на прослушване за The Doors той веднага паснал в групата като последното парче от пъзел, групата вече била сформирана.

Групи Bestfriend
Джеймс Дъглас Морисън
08.12.1943 - 03.07.1971

Джеймс Дъглас Морисън, Джим, е роден на 08.12.1943г в град Мелбърн, Флорида в семействона генерал от американската армия. Той учи в Junior College, към университета във Флорида, като завършва
образованието си в академията по филмово изкуство в Лос Анжелис (U.C.L.A).
Там в последствие той се запознава с РЕЙ МАНЗАРЕК, като след приключване на образованието си те образуват групата наречена THE DOORS.
Джим Морисън, повече известен като певец обаче е на първо място поет, той създава текстове които чрез групата The Doors се превръшат в музика.
Наркотици, алкохол и изобщо начина по който Джим Морисън възприема света, хората и идеите около себе си, водят до логичния край. Той умира на 03.07.1971 в Париж.
Официално в смъртния акт е записано от лекарите сърдечен удар в следствие на остра сърдечна недостатъчност, неофициалната причина за смъртта е просто свръхдоза хероин.
Така, във вана в хотел в Париж завършва живота на Джим Морисън.

Групи Johnparade_jpg
Джон Паул Денсмор

Джон Паул Денсмор (Джон) е роден на 01.12.1944г в Санта Моника, Калифорния-барабанист и писател.
Интересна Поробност от живота му е че баща му се казва Рей, а брат му Джим. Джим се самоубива с кухненски нож при неизяснени обстоятелства.Джон Денсмор има и две сестри Маргарет и Ан.
Той учи в различни месни учлища(University High,
Santa Monica City College,
Los Angelas City College,
San Fernando Valley State), но неговата страст е в музиката. Той слуша всякаква музика.
Джон обичал телевизионните Rock'n'Roll шоута. Неговото бъдеще било в продуцирането на музика.
Повлиян от Бийтълс, но и по - късно от Джим Морисън.
Джон казва:
"Аз свиря от 6 годишен. На 10 години започнах да ходя на уроци по пиано.
Опитваха се да ме накарат да свиря Бах. Опитваха се две години. Когато бях в гимназията
получих първите си барабани. Пак там свирих класическа музика на тимпани. След това свирех джаз три години.
След това остана само Rock'n'roll и така продължава и до днес."

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Реймънд Даниел Манзарек
роден на 12.02.1939г

Реймънд Даниел Манзарек (Рей) е роден на 12.02.1939г в Чикаго и отраства с двама братя.
Единият от които завъшва University College Los Angeles (UCLA) с него. Главно музикално влияние
върху Рей имат Muddy Waters и Jacques Brei.
Рей се жени когато се сформира The Doors. Той има един син.
Реймънд Даниел Манзарек е кийбордиста на The Doors.
Той започва да свири 8-9 годишен като взима уроци по пиано. Първите 4 години той го мразел. Но това траело само
докато се научил , както казва Рей, как да го прави. Когато е на 12 той за първи път чува джаз
и започва да свири на пиано по друг начин. В последствие Рей свири смес от джаз, блус, рок.
За Doors той казва: "Всички ние имахме свободата да импровизираме с музиката си, Джим импровизираше с думите"

Групи Robbydays_jpg

Роберт Алан Крийгер
роден на 08.01.1946г

Роберт Алан Крийгер (Роби) е роден на 08.01.1946г в Лос Анжелис. Той има брат Рон.
Също както и РЕЙ, Роби завършва UCLA(University Collge Los Angelos). Повлиян музикално от
Ван Морисън, Джими Рийд и Джеймс Браун. Той подобно на ДЖОН имал амбицията да стане музикален продуцент
Започва да свири на 10 години-тромпет. По късно свири блуес на пиано - без уроци. На 17 свири на китара. Използва китарите на приятелите сси
тъй като няма своя.На 18 той се сдобива с фламенго китара и започва уроци за около няколко месеца. В последствие преминава от фламенго към блус и от бус към rock'n'roll.
Ето какво казва Роби: "В джаза и рока няма ограничения. Там човек има свободата да прави каквото си поиска. Джаза обацхе умира поне що се отнася до факта че от него се правят пари
. ... В истинските групи музикантите, членовете на групата правят всички аранжименти заедно. Всеки разбира от основната работа на другия. Така е и в Doors."
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Брой мнения : 48
Location : у назе :D
Registration date : 19.11.2008

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ПисанеЗаглавие: Re: Групи   Групи Icon_minitimeСъб Ное 29, 2008 7:57 pm

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Брой мнения : 98
Age : 30
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Registration date : 19.11.2008

Групи Empty
ПисанеЗаглавие: Re: Групи   Групи Icon_minitimeСъб Ное 29, 2008 8:07 pm

Onyx is a hip hop group from New York City. Originally formed in 1988 by Fredro Starr, Sonee Seeza, the late Big DS, the group later added Sticky Fingaz, Starr's cousin, in 1991, managed by Diamond Cut Entertainment's Milton Lynch.

Contents [hide]
1 History
1.1 Early career
1.2 Career
1.3 Later career
2 Discography
3 References
4 External links

[edit] History

[edit] Early career
The group was formed in 1988 and Onyx released its first 12" single, "Ah, and We Do it Like This", in 1990. The song sounded very jazz influenced, much unlike their later work. In 1991 Onyx was going to present a demo to Jam Master Jay at Def Jam, but Big DS and Sonee Seeza (then only known as Suave) were in Connecticut at the time, so Fredro Starr called up his cousin Sticky Fingaz (who was always rhyming while working in a barber shop). Once Sticky Fingaz joined the group, the group released the Throw Ya Gunz EP in 1992.

[edit] Career
After the track Onyx inked a deal with Def Jam and were promised an album which became 1993's Bacdafucup LP. The album met with great commercial success, including heavy airplay on radio and MTV for the single "Slam". Onyx also performed with Biohazard on the tune "Judgement Night", taken from the soundtrack album of the same name. The song "Slam" was the #5 single on the Rap charts and the album went on to quickly sell 2 million copies. Onyx also received critical acclaim, winning Soul Train's rap album of the year. Despite the embrace of commercial outlets, the group maintained their hardcore image through raunchy live performances, Sticky's arrest for assault on a flight, and when the NAACP deemed them a disgrace to blacks, denying them access to perform a football game's half time show.

A lot changed with Onyx in the next two years. Big DS left the group during the recording of All We Got Iz Us because he felt he wasn't getting enough time on the microphone. Onyx began to fade into obscurity. In 1995 Onyx released their second album All We Got Iz Us. While the album was much less successful commercially, many of their fans call it their best work ever. The album did not have any radio friendly tracks and the album's lead single "Last Dayz" peaked at #89 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, selling 500,000 copies.

The release was followed by another gap in albums, but the members remained in the public eye by appearing in several movies, including Clockers, Sunset Park (1996), and Dead Presidents(1995). Both rappers continue to appear in movies and television, appearing on the FX Network on The Shield and on HBO's The Wire.

Onyx returned in 1998 with their third album Shut 'Em Down, which featured appearances from DMX, The Lost Boyz, Raekwon, Method Man, Big Pun, Noreaga and a then-unknown 50 Cent. This album found critical as well as commercial success. The underground scene loved the B-sides to the album and radio listeners liked songs such as "React" and the eponymous "Shut 'em Down", the latter featuring DMX. After Shut 'Em Down, Onyx left Def Jam and temporarily split up for solo releases. They reunited in 2002 with Bacdafucup Part II released on Koch Records, where they realesed the song Slam Harder which was a sample of the show "Welcome back Kotter". The song was basically welcoming them back. Followed by the 2003 release Triggernometry on D3 Entertainment. Both albums met with mediocre reviews and sales, but in a refreshing change from typical musicians, Onyx themselves admit to not liking both albums compared to their earlier releases.

[edit] Later career
In other news, there has been a low-level argument between Onyx member Fredo Starr and 50 Cent. According to the Rap News Network, 50 Cent started a confrontation with Fredo Starr at the 2003 Vibe Awards.[1] In a 2003 interview Fredo Starr explained, "50 Cent basically started shit with me, started a scuffle, and a bodyguard broke us up. He's a punk. He's disrespectful to Jam Master Jay ever since he passed. Fuck him. I'm doin shit with some ex G-Unit members now. 50 ain’t shit."[2] In an interview with the Source magazine, Fredo Starr said that 50 Cent had been disrespectful towards the Onyx rap group even though Onyx had given him his first breakthrough on a song called "React" from the 1998 album, Shut 'Em Down.

In the summer of 2006 Fredro released a project known as Yung Onyx.

In June 2008, Onyx released their debut DVD: "Onyx: 15 Years of Videos, History and Violence". The DVD contains every Onyx video digitally remastered with optional commentary, all solo videos, and over an hour of rare footage all the way back from 1992.

A new Onyx album, titled The Black Rock, was rumored for a 2006/2007 release but did not surface. Black Rock will finally be coming out at the beginning of 2009.
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Брой мнения : 48
Location : у назе :D
Registration date : 19.11.2008

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ПисанеЗаглавие: Re: Групи   Групи Icon_minitimeСъб Ное 29, 2008 8:09 pm

Lordi is a heavy metal band from Finland. The concept for Lordi was devised in 1992, however, the band was not formed until 1996 by Tomi Putaansuu (known as 'Mr. Lordi')[1] of Helsinki, Finland. Members of Lordi are noted for their elaborate monster-like costumes depicted during live shows and in music videos. Lordi are also known as "The Finnish Monsters" and "The Monsters of Finland."[citation needed]

Lordi won the 2006 Eurovision Song Contest with a record 292 points, giving Finland its first ever victory. Lordi featured on the 2006 MTV Europe Music Awards in Copenhagen when Mr. Lordi presented the award for rock, and they were also the closing act playing their single Hard Rock Hallelujah. They also performed on Britain's Making Your Mind Up for the Eurovision Song Contest. Lordi performed on the main stage at Ozzfest 2007 and later that year toured with Type O Negative and Twin Method until Halloween night.

Contents [hide]
1 Early days
2 Costumes
2.1 Unmasked by the media
3 Eurovision Song Contest 2006
3.1 Controversy
3.2 Concert in Helsinki
4 New record label
5 Tributes
6 Members
6.1 Current members
6.2 Former members
6.3 Vocal and Instrumental Style
7 Festivals & Tours
7.1 Download 2005
7.2 Download 2006
7.3 Bamboozle '07
7.4 Ozzfest 2007
7.5 Type O Negative Tour
7.6 Rock2Wgtn 2008
7.7 Wacken Open Air 2008
8 Late Night With Conan O'Brien
9 Discography
9.1 Albums
9.2 Singles and EPs
9.3 Music videos
9.4 Eurovision live performances
9.5 DVDs
9.6 Other
9.7 Cover songs
10 Filmography
10.1 The Kin
10.2 Dark Floors
11 Other releases
11.1 Comics by Mr. Lordi
11.2 Books about Lordi
12 See also
13 References
14 External links
15 Interviews

[edit] Early days
In the beginning of the 1990s, Putaansuu played in a small band from Rovaniemi. He left the band when the other members didn't agree with the introduction of theatrical elements and KISS-style rock. Putaansuu started producing demos under the name Lordi in 1991 and continued to do so for a few years. In 1995 he made a song "Inferno" and a music video for it as a school project. The video has not been released because Putaansuu is in the video without a mask.

After "Inferno", Putaansuu had a dream. In the dream he was at a concert and there was a skeleton on stage playing. When he woke up, he knew that Lordi should be a Heavy metal band full of monsters. The monster in the dream would eventually become the bassist Kalma.

The rest of the band members met each other for the first time in 1995 in Stockholm, where they had gone to see KISS perform. From the very beginning, they wanted their band to perform with spectacular pyrotechnics, and wearing 'monster style'-masks. Lordi almost got a record deal in 1999 but shortly after the contract the company collapsed and lost all their money. Finally, the BMG Finland recording company accepted them and in 2002 their first single Would You Love A Monsterman? became a smash hit and not long after that, their first album, Get Heavy, sold 66,000 copies in Finland.[2]

[edit] Costumes
The monster masks and costumes the band use are made of foam latex. Mr. Lordi's mask was first cast and then glued together piece by piece. The other masks are solid helmets. It takes the other monsters about 20 minutes to put the masks on but it takes about 2 or 3 hours with Mr. Lordi. Mr. Lordi mentioned that their suits still have some original pieces from 1996. He has also said that the suits cost them "a few hundred euros". [3] The band members do each others' makeup.

The monster costumes are such an integral part of Lordi's publicity image that they refuse to be photographed or even interviewed without them, even if in some cases it leads to their own discomfort. Lordi has done interviews without their masks but the interviews are always filmed from the back so that you can't see their faces. During interviews, Lordi speaks English to the cameras, not their native Finnish. In a brief segment on the BBC reporting about the band attending the Eurovision Song Contest 2006, they were shown lounging beside the pool in full sunlight, while wearing their costumes. During the segment, Lordi remarked that the costumes and the heat did not mix.

Lordi have stated that their costumes have been inspired by KISS and Horror Genre. Mr. Lordi himself has said that without KISS, Lordi probably wouldn't exist. The costumes have also drawn comparisons to the thrash metal group GWAR, who wear similar foam latex monster outfits, even though their musical styles are quite different. Mr. Lordi has claimed in interviews that he had never heard of GWAR when he first formed Lordi. In a recent interview Oderus Urungus of GWAR called Lordi "a kiddie version of GWAR" but felt that Lordi didn't rip off GWAR, as both bands owed their image to earlier musicians such as KISS. He seems to have a tongue-in-cheek rivalry with Mr. Lordi, as he has stated his desire to "remove Mr. Lordi's mask and expose him as a silly human."[4] Recently, GWAR frontman Oderus has been producing a model of Mr. Lordi's head impaled on a stake, which then bleeds on the crowd.

Mr. Lordi's mask was auctioned for more than 6000 euros. It was bought by a Finnish businessman, Vesa Keskinen in an auction organised by YLE.[5]

[edit] Unmasked by the media
Despite the band's strict approach in relation to their costumes, and due to their newfound success, multiple newspapers began publishing photos of the band members without makeup. On March 15, 2006, the Finnish tabloid Ilta-Sanomat published a photograph of Putaansuu (Mr. Lordi) in civilian clothing, with his face partially showing. Lordi has called this an insult toward them, and an attempt to destroy the "monster image" they have worked for ten years to create. On May 22, 2006, the Daily Mail published what was believed to be an old picture of the band without their makeup or masks. It was later revealed that the band in the photo was actually Children of Bodom, a different band altogether. This was acknowledged on Children of Bodom's official website.[6] The photograph did feature Erna Siikavirta, who went on to join Lordi as Enary, the band's keyboard player. However, Enary left Lordi in 2005, well before their victory at Eurovision, replaced by Awa. On the same day, Bild-Zeitung, a German tabloid, published what they claimed was a photograph of Putaansuu without his mask in its section "Build Uncovered" with the German headline "He is the Grand Prix Monster: All of Germany discusses the Ugliest Winners of all Time". Later many other European tabloids and newspapers have published the same or similar photographs.

On 24 May 2006, the Finnish tabloid magazine 7 Päivää (7 Days) published an old picture of Lordi's face on the front page, and two days later another tabloid, Katso! (Look!), published unmasked pictures of the other four band members.[7] Both magazines were heavily criticised by their readers for publishing these pictures, which led to swift apologies from both magazines and promises not to publish unmasked pictures of Lordi anymore.[8]

On 26 May 2006, video footage was shown on television in Lithuania. It featured four men and one woman, dressed in black, sitting by the table at the airport in Athens. After a few seconds, Heikki Paasonen (the Eurovision Finnish commentator) in a black Lordi shirt came and stood in front of the camera, covering the view.

Lordi's costume is currently in the historical costumes section in Turku Castle.

[edit] Eurovision Song Contest 2006
Lordi represented Finland in the Eurovision Song Contest 2006 finals in Athens with the song "Hard Rock Hallelujah" after getting through the semi-finals. The band won by a significant margin, scoring 292 points, 44 points over second placed Dima Bilan, representing Russia with the song "Never Let You Go".

Having been voted for by all countries except Albania, Armenia and Monaco, Lordi scored the highest number of points for any entry in any Eurovision Song Contest to date. They received 12 points from eight countries: Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Iceland, Norway, Poland, Sweden and the UK. Coincidentally, Lordi also scored 292 points in the semi-final held two days earlier. They were also the first Eurovision entrant to win in both the Semi-Final and Final stages. Lordi were congratulated on their victory by both Finnish President Tarja Halonen and Prime Minister Matti Vanhanen.[9] They opened the 2007 Eurovision contest.

See also Eurovision Song Contest 2006: Full Point Table.

[edit] Controversy
The choice of Lordi to represent Finland spawned some controversy in both Finland and Greece.

In Finland the choice was criticised by some and a group of religious leaders went as far as calling President Halonen to veto their entry.[10] In Greece, a number of organisations were trying to stop Lordi from competing. The Greek restaurant and bar owners' union President, Mrs. Niki Constantinou made a public plea directed to the people of Finland and Greece not to allow Lordi to perform in the contest, claiming the group is Satanic. Three other organisations in Greece initiated legal action against Lordi.[11]

Mr. Lordi himself responded to the accusations and strictly denied Satanism. He said a Satanist group would not write songs such as "Hard Rock Hallelujah" or "Devil Is A Loser".[12]

Despite, or maybe because of,[13] the controversy, Greece ended up awarding Lordi 12 points, the highest possible, in the contest final.

[edit] Concert in Helsinki

Lordi at the Market SquareTo celebrate their victory in the Eurovision Song Contest, Lordi held a public, free, open-air concert in the Market Square in Helsinki, Finland, on 26 May 2006. At the concert, President of Finland Tarja Halonen made an official appearance to give Lordi a bronze key flag award for exemplary Finnish work. The concert was reported to have been attended by over 90,000 people from all over Finland and even other countries, some even on their first ever trip to Helsinki. [14] The concert was the biggest public event to that day in Helsinki. On this occasion, the world record for most people ever to sing karaoke was (successfully) attempted[15] by approximately 80,000 people, singing Hard Rock Hallelujah. The previous record was held by 50,000 Irish rugby fans. [16]

[edit] New record label

Lordi on stage at RuisrockOn December 16, 2006, it was announced on The End Records website that the band had signed on to the label and would be releasing their latest full-length entitled The Arockalypse on March 20, 2007 with three bonus tracks and a DVD release. This same album was released in Finland as The Arockalypse Special Edition.[17]

[edit] Tributes

The sign at Lordi's Square in RovaniemiA square in the centre of Rovaniemi, Finland, the home town of the lead singer Mr. Lordi, was renamed after them shortly after their victory at the Eurovision Song Contest. It was part of a redevelopment of Rovaniemi city centre.[9]

Suomen Posti Oyj, the Finnish postal service, issued a Lordi postage stamp in May 2007 in recognition of their Eurovision win. Posti had already released Lordi's Christmas single, "It Snows in Hell" as a special Christmas card edition.[18]

A brand of soda named "Lordi Cola" was named after them and was launched in September 2006, featuring labels designed by Mr Lordi and depicting either one of the individual members or one with the whole band.[19]

[edit] Members
Lordi's line-ups Original
(1996–1997) Mr. Lordi – vocals
Amen – lead guitar
G-Stealer – bass

(1997–1999) Mr. Lordi – vocals
Amen – lead guitar
G-Stealer – bass
Enary – keyboards

(1999–2000) Mr. Lordi – vocals
Amen – lead guitar
Magnum – bass
Enary – keyboards

(2000–2002) Mr. Lordi – vocals
Amen – lead guitar
Magnum – bass
Kita - drums, vocals
Enary – keyboards, vocals

(2002–2005) Mr. Lordi – vocals
Amen – lead guitar
Kalma – bass, vocals
Kita – drums, vocals
Enary – keyboards, vocals

(2005) Mr. Lordi – vocals
Amen – lead guitar
Kalma – bass, vocals
Kita – drums, vocals
Awa – keyboards, vocals

(2005–) Mr. Lordi – vocals
Amen – guitar
OX – bass
Kita – drums, vocals
Awa – keyboards, vocals

Members of Lordi always wear masks at interviews and have stated their desire for their personal identities to remain private. The band has not confirmed or denied the accuracy of these names, however, they have been widely published in the media and on websites as follows: [20]

[edit] Current members
Mr. Lordi - vocals (1996-present)
Amen - Lead guitar, backing vocals (1996-present)
Kita - drums, backing vocals (2000-present)
OX - Bass, backing vocals (2005-present)
Awa - keyboards, backing vocals (2005-present)

[edit] Former members
G-Stealer - Bass (1996-1999)
Magnum - Bass (1999–2002)
Kalma - Bass, vocals (2002–2005) (He has played a few gigs with the band as a secondary guitarist since he left the band)
Enary - keyboards (1997–2005)

[edit] Vocal and Instrumental Style
Although Mr. Lordi is always credited with vocals, there are almost always backing vocals. These vary from member to member. For example, "Shotgun Divorce" uses former bassist Kalma's ghostly backing vocals, "Hard Rock Hallelujah" , "Good to Be Bad" , "Evilove" and "Deadache" use Awa's angelic vocals. Kita has never sung backing vocals live due to his mask, though he performs almost all voices in the prelude tracks (Scartic Circle Gathering, Theatrical Trailer, SCG3 Special Report). Udo Dirkschneider, who guested on the track "They Only Come Out at Night", alternates singing with Mr. Lordi while backing vocals continue as normal. Magnum sings backing vocals in the song Last Kiss Goodbye before the chorus and may be a reason the song has never been played live.

Lordi also often have a vocal break in their song to allow Amen to have a guitar riff, normally accompanied by Kita and the bassist (Magnum, Kalma, OX) keeping time softly. After this riff, Mr. Lordi will sing either a short verse (occasionally with a distorted voice) or launch directly into the song's end refrain (always the chorus). The guitar is most often the main instrument.

The keyboardist is most often used as an accompaniment in the band's songs. However, in some songs such as "Icon of Dominance", "Hellbender Turbulence" , "Children of the Night", "Magistra Nocte" , "It Snows in Hell" , "Beast Loose in Paradise" , "The Ghosts of the Heceta Head ", "Evilyn" and "Rebirth of the countess" it is the main instrument.

Kita always plays with a great deal of power, blending very well with the style favored by Amen. The drums are used as changing instruments, using a fast and heavy solo to transition from verse to verse, verse to chorus and chorus to verse. However some songs including "Mr. Killjoy", "Bringing Back the Balls to Rock", "Pet the Destroyer" , "Kalmageddon" and "Forsaken Fashion Dolls" use the drums as main instrument.

The bass is often used in conjunction with Kita's drumming. It is almost never the main instrument, only in a few songs like "Kalmageddon", "Haunted Town" or "Bite It Like a Bulldog" but it is occasionally used with drums as changing instruments (See above).
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и разни други
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Групи Empty
ПисанеЗаглавие: Re: Групи   Групи Icon_minitimeНед Ное 01, 2009 2:13 pm

cyclops Fear Factory е американска дет метъл/индъстриъл метъл група.
Първоначално е създадена под името Ulceleration през 1989 г.
в Лос Анджелис,Калифорния от екс-китариста Dino Gazares и
барабаниста Raymond Herrera.Преименуват се на Fear Factory
през 1990 г.
За тях е характерно смесването на траш-метъл стържещи китари,
ревящи гласове,които понякога отстъпват на мелодично пеене,
пулсиращо забиване на барабани,мощни басове.Fear Factory
правят дет-метъл,така и индъстриъл метъл парчета до излизането
на дебютния им албум Soul Of New Machine(1992).Като цяло
албумът не е успешен.Необезсърчена групата предприема голямо
турне в САЩ с Biohazard,Sepultura и Sick OF It All и в Европа.
През следващата година те се обръщат към Rhys Fulber от
Front Line Assembly да направи ремикси на някои песни при
създаването на Fear Is The Mindkiller(1993).
През 1994 г. басистът Andrew Shives е принуден да напусне
групата.През същата година басистът Christian Olde Wolbers
среща групата,докато почива в Лос Анджелиси и се съгласява
да им помогне при създаването на следващия албум-Demanufacture (1995г.),които е изключително успешен.
Следващите няколко години Fear Factory правят турнета с групи
като Black Sabbath,Megadeath и Iron Maiden.Участват на фестивала
Озфест през 1996 и 1997, както и на други фестивали. Групата
пуска на пазара нов албум Remanufacture през май 1997 г., от
ремикси на Demanufacture.Скоро след него през юли се появява
следващият албум Obsolete.
Като резултат от личностни различия между членовете на групата,
Bell съобщава,че напуска през март 2002 г. и групата се разпада
веднага след това.Събират се по-късно същата година, но без
китариста Dino Gazares.Басистът Christian Olde Wolbers взема
китарата, а на баса застава Byron Stroud.Първият албум на
новосформираната група Archetype излиза през пролетта на 2004 г.
от нова звукозаписна компания Liquid 8 Records,Минесота.Вторият
Transgression се появява на 22 август 2005 във Великобритания,а
на следващия ден и в САЩ.

Настоящи членове

• Burton C. Bell - вокали
• Christian Olde Wolbers – бас китара
• Byron Stroud - бас
• Raymond Herrera - барабани


# Soul Of A New Machine - 25 август, 1992
# Demanufacture - 13 юни, 1995
# Obsolete - 28 юли, 1998
# Digimortal - 24 април, 2001
# Concrete - 30 юли, 2002
# Archetype - 20 април, 2004
# Transgression - 23 август, 2005

* * *


...Ама и Уикедааа !! alien
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